September CalendarThis week
Tuesday 9/10, High School Visits Fireside Rooms Wednesday 9/11, Late Start 9:15am, School Mass - 8th Grade Host, New Volunteers CASE training 6 – 8pm Looking ahead Wednesday 9/18, Late Start 9:15am Wed. - Fri. 9/18-20, 8th Grade Retreat Thursday 9/19, PTO Meeting 7pm - 5th Grade Classroom Friday 9/20, Gradebooks Updated Wednesday 9/25, Late Start 9:15am, School Mass, DNO: MOD Pizza Cedar Hills, Back to School Night 5:30 – 7:30pm Principal's MessageWhat a spectacular start to the school year. Over the summer our school had a bit of a facelift (painting, sprucing up, clearing out clutter). Teachers were in and out during the summer getting ready for the year, planning, and collaborating. Tuesday, our halls filled with energetic students who flowed into classrooms with smiles and anticipation. Thank you for sending us amazing, kind, funny, and curious students. We are off to a great start and this journey is going to be amazing.
This week we are especially greatful for families donating canned food, weekend mass alter servers Sierra, Nora, Nathan, Amira, Ella, Lily, Brielle, Joey, Henry, Eli, Zach, Georgia and to our Staff for hosting our first school mass. TITANS - Last year Holy Trinity staff recreated a set of core beliefs for the school. These were featured in last week’s bulletin and are on the new banners at the entrance to the school. These are our guiding beliefs or values as a school. This week teachers introduce these beliefs to our students and share that we will use these in all aspects of school.
VIRTUES - This year, we are continuing our exploration of virtues and how they guide our lives. This week, teachers will explain what a virtue is and how it should be applied in our lives at home, at school, and in our activities. From Weeks 3 to 5, we will focus on the theological virtues:
TRAFFIC - The new traffic pattern for drop off and pick up is going well. Thank you for keeping to one lane of traffic. A reminder, the handicapped parking spaces are for drivers who genuinely need those spaces. Please do not park in those spaces, even to just run into the office quickly.
TITAN TICKETS - Also, this year we continue to use Titan Tickets to acknowledge exemplary actions, behaviors, or leadership by our students. This year students turn tickets into their teachers rather than “spending” them at a school wide Titan store.
Back to School NightBack to School Night is scheduled for September 25th, 5:30-7:30. We moved to one night for this event and the schedule is designed to accommodate families with multiple students and in both elementary and middle school. We look forward to sharing our classrooms with you and our school wide plans for the year. More details to come.
Volleyball and Cross Country are up and running for the fall. This weekend, September 14th, Holy Trinity is hosting a volleyball tournament. We are in need of a site monitor and a gate fee person from 8:15 - 12:00. If you can help, contact [email protected].
Sign up to be a room parent. We are still looking for room parents in 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.
New volunteer opportunities have been posted! Sign up HERE to work recess duty, update the marquee in front of the school each month, and be a gym monitor for CYO games. Our next PTO meeting is September 19th at 7:00pm in the 5th grade classroom. Please join us! After School ActivitiesAfter school activities. We have a number of offerings for after school activities. Chess returns this year and the others are new. This week chess and Young Thespians will begin. We need to secure more registrations for the other programs so we will hold off starting for now.
Young Thespians begins this week Thursday, 3:15 - 4:45 in the Fireside room. Register Here - please complete and bring to the first meeting Music: Holy Trinity strings program LINK and MUSE offering band LINK Coding for Kids LINK Chess Club - Tuesday for beginners - 3:15-4:30 and Thursday for advanced 3:15-4:30 - Register Here DNO: MOD Pizza |
School Telephone503.644.5748