Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
District Code: HT-OR
2022-2023 CalendarNOVEMBER 2022
09: Mass at 11:05am, hosted by Kindergarten Early Dismissal at 12:15pm, EC open Parent Teacher Conferences 12:50-6:15pm 10: No School, EC open Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-3:00pm 11: No School, Veteran's Day, No EC 16: Mass at 2:05pm, hosted by 8th grade 17: PTO Meeting, 7:30-8:30pm 23: Mass at 11:05am, hosted by 5th grade Early Dismissal at 12:15pm, No EC 24-25: No School, Happy Thanksgiving 27: Advent Begins Parent-Teacher ConferencesParent Teacher Conferences are on November 9th, 12:50-6:15pm and November 10th, 8:00am-3:00pm. During break and lunch times, teachers are unavailable. If you'd like to have a conference, please sign up using the links below:
Conference LinksPlease use this document to access Zoom links for 3rd-8th and Specialist conferences.
Inclement WeatherIn case of bad weather, Holy Trinity typically follows Beaverton School District's closures and late starts. School closures and late starts will be shown on local news channels (look for BSD). Holy Trinity will communicate directly with parents via email and Parent Alert. Parent Alert is a text message option in FACTS Family Portal. If you'd like to receive text message alerts in urgent situations, please enable this function in your Family Portal profile.
Virtue of the Week- ForesightThis week our students are studying the virtue of Foresight. Foresight means considering the consequences of one's actions, thinking ahead. The opposite of foresight is having a pattern of behavior which needs to change and failing to consider consequences.
How can we cultivate foresight?
2023-2024 Applications OpenApplications are open for new students and siblings for the 2023-2024 school year! Please apply here and share with your family and friends.
Food Closet MinistryIn preparation for the holidays, the HT Food Closet is looking for donations of these foods. School families can donate food anytime and for Free Dress Fridays.
Stuffing | Instant Potatoes | Canned Yams | Brown Sugar | Evaporated Milk | Cranberries | Canned Pie Filling | Oil | Canned Vegetables
Holiday Service OpportunitiesDonations to the Food Closet Holiday effort:
This year the Food Closet is combining Thanksgiving and Christmas donation requests into a single donation request towards a collective Food Closet Holidays effort. The easiest (and preferred) donation method is through the website at We also have envelopes available in the narthex that have a green “Food Closet Holiday Donation” label. Please include “Food Closet Holidays” in the memo line of your check donations. Thanksgiving Food Donations: Bring food anytime to donate or donate at Thanksgiving Day Mass. After Mass, the pantry will be open to take everything over. Christmas Toy Drive: The Beaverton School District, Family Justice Center, and the Oregon Department of Health & Services are each hosting a toy drive at their facilities, and our parish-wide toy collection will be divided between the three groups. Toy collection boxes will be in the narthex beginning the first weekend of Advent. Volunteer Sign Ups
HT Fan Gear!The Holy Trinity web store has new fan gear items and a couple new tabs - School Fan Gear and Hot Shots. More fan gear and PE Gear will follow next week. Shop here:
Check Us Out: |
School Telephone503.644.5748