Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2020-2021 CalendarSEPTEMBER 2020
07: Labor Day, No School 08: First Day of School 11: Food Free Dress 15: Catholic High Schools Virtual Visits (7th and 8th grades) 21: Bully Prevention Week Drop Off/Pick Up for ECWe are offering limited child care/extended care for HT students. Sign ups for September were already completed via a previous Monday Minute. There is NO drop in EC/child care this year. Your student(s) must be pre-registered via School Speak.
Parent Consent for ZoomHTCS will be using Zoom to host our live sessions for student in person and students at home. We will be recording sessions for student and teacher use. Please complete this Consent for Video Conferencing for each of your HT students.
HT Faculty & StaffAs with every school year, we have some staff updates! Please check out our Faculty & Staff list to see what an amazing team we have this year.
Washington County MetricsYou can track Washington County metrics for July 5-August 29 here. The last three weeks have seen some improvement when looking at the cases per 100,000. To open Kinder through 3rd Grade, we need 30 or less cases per 100,000 for three consecutive weeks.
Updated Back to School Documents
Chromebook Loan Sign UpsWe are happy to loan out a Chromebook to any student that needs one to complete digital learning. Please sign up via School Speak.
Arrival & Dismissal with MonicaHow to drop off your Titan!Every student will be dropped off via car line. Parents are not allowed in our school building right now.
How to pick up a Titan!Students will stay in their classrooms until you get to the front of car line. Parents are not allowed to mingle in front of the school doors for pick up.
Fall Math from Jesuit HSJesuit High School is hosting two Autumn Session math classes that Jesuit will offer on Saturdays, beginning September 12.
Limited In-Person InstructionCohort information was sent out via School Speak email.
Limited In-Person Instruction is:
School Telephone503.644.5748