Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarAUGUST 2021
30 Teacher's First Day Back! Chromebook drop off day for 6th grade and new 7-8 students SEPTEMBER 2021 03: 10-11:30am PK-5 Meet and Greet, 6-8 Locker Set Up 06: No School, Labor Day 07: First Day of School! 07-14: Fall STAR Testing Window 10: Free Dress for two cans of food Coffee & Doughnuts with Mrs. Sheridan, 8:15-9am 14: Back to School Picnic and Meet the Teacher, 3:15-4:30pm 21: MS grades published 23: 3-5 grades published Download the school calendar here. Chromebooks for 6-7-86th grade students and students new to HT for 7th and 8th need a Chromebook linked to HT. Please bring your child(ren)'s Chromebook to HT on August 30th, so our IT company (ITGroupNW) can link your child's @htsch account and install our safety and monitoring software. Chromebooks will be available for pick up on August 31 after 2pm. If you do not want to pick up the Chromebook, we will have it waiting for your child on the first day of school.
New 3rd Grade TeacherWe are excited to welcome Mrs. Christa Keys to Holy Trinity as our new 3rd grade teacher! You can read more about her here.
School Speak to FACTSHTCS is transitioning off of School Speak student information system to FACTS. FACTS is the platform we already use for tuition management. FACTS will host all student and family information, PTO info, class/grade info, grade books, and more. Watch your inbox for more how-to information soon. Please continue using School Speak until we make the full change over. If you need help logging in to School Speak, email Tabitha Spieler at [email protected].
2021-2022 Supply ListsPlease find the school supply lists for each grade here. Items do not have to be new; much can reused from this year. All supplies will be individual next year, so please label all supplies. There is no need to special order or search multiple stores. Please find the closest approximation of what is listed, and all will be well.
Back to School LetterThere are lot of questions about how we will return to school. Please read Mrs. Sheridan's Back to School Letter for more information. We can't wait to see you!
HTCS Family HandbookOur 2021-2022 Family Handbook is ready. We tried to cover all possible questions and concerns in this year's update. Please review these important documents with your child(ren). If you have questions, contact Ashley Sheridan.
CYO Fall SportsRegistrations are currently open with CYO at
PE Uniform UpdateDue to current virus concerns, 5th through 8th graders will NOT change for PE for the first trimester. Students will do PE in their school uniforms.
Uniform InfoThe HT uniform policy is linked here. All uniform components can be purchased at Dennis Uniform, Lands End uniform, and Tommy Hilfiger uniform. Non logo’d pieces can be purchased at any store as long as the items meets uniform requirements. Logo'd and plaid items come specifically from these three vendors.
HT Summer ReadingWe are hosting a Summer Reading Challenge. Students will bring home the information brochure this week. Read all summer from different genres and earn a HT prize!
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School Telephone503.644.5748