Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarFEBRUARY 2022
14: Re-enrollment packet due for returning students FACTS Tuition Assistance application due for 22-23 Valentine's Day Parties, 2-3pm 16: 8th grade hosting Mass 21: No School, President's Day 22: No School, DCS Professional Development 23: 5th grade hosting Mass 24: Middle School and 3-5 grades published MARCH 2022 02: Ash Wednesday, Mass hosted by 7th grade 04: Free Dress for two cans of food Coffee & Donuts with Mrs. Sheridan 08: Middle School grades published 09: Mass hosted by 4th grade 10: 3-5 grades published 11: End of Trimester 2 Moms' and Sons' Night Out! 14-18: Human Sexuality Week (info to come) 16: Report Cards for Trimester 2 sent via email Mass hosted by 6th grade 21-25: Spring Break 29: Middle School grades published 30: Mass hosted by Prekindergarten 31: 3-5 grades published Re-enrollment for 22-23All current Holy Trinity families should have received a re-enrollment email from Ms. Spieler via FACTS. This year our re-enrollment process is comprehensive and completed through FACTS student information system and FACTS tuition management. Parents need to update all student information and select a payment plan for the 22-23 school year. If you have questions, please call the school office. If you have any concerns, our principal Ashley Sheridan is eager to work with you. Please complete re-enrollment by February 14, 2022.
CYO: Track & FieldCYO Track & Field registration is open!
Weekly Covid ScreeningWeekly tests are due to the office on Thursday mornings by 9am. Please call the office if you have any questions.
PTO NewsVolunteer Roles Open:
Tuition Assistance 22-23Tuition Assistance applications for 2022-2023 are open via FACTS. You must reapply every year to be considered for assistance. Tuition assistance is given to active, parishioners of Holy Trinity. Please complete your application by February 14th. If you have questions, please contact Deacon Brett Edmonson ([email protected]) or Ashley Sheridan ([email protected]).
Lego and Coding ClubWe are pleased to partner with Saturday Academy to bring back after school Lego Robotics Club (6th-8th grades) and Programming from "Scratch" Coding Club (2nd-5th grades).
Pack 598 News2/17/2022 no pack meeting
2/19/2022 Crossover Celebration 6:30 PM in the cafeteria. Come and join us and watch our incredible Arrow of Light candidates receive their much deserved awards. This is February‘s pack meeting so please come in full uniform. The other dens will be receiving awards as well. Yours in Scouting, Dr. Jacquelyn February 22 Extended CareOn Tuesday, February 22nd, all HT staff are in professional development with the Department of Catholic Schools. EC is available from 6:30am-6:00pm. Please email Matt Wulff, EC Director, at [email protected] if your child will attend EC on 2/22. We need at least 8 students to hold EC.
Mark Your Calendars!Covid Updates
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School Telephone503.644.5748