Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarDownload the school calendar here.
School Speak to FACTSHTCS is transitioning off of School Speak student information system to FACTS. FACTS is the platform we already use for tuition management. FACTS will host all student and family information, PTO info, class/grade info, grade books, and more. Watch your inbox for more how-to information soon.
2021-2022 Supply ListsPlease find the school supply lists for each grade here. Items do not have to be new; much can reused from this year. All supplies will be individual next year, so please label all supplies. There is no need to special order or search multiple stores. Please find the closest approximation of what is listed, and all will be well.
Summer Tutoring and Child CareHT has a deep list of talent available for summer time. Please check this link if you need tutoring, chid care or babysitting!
HT Summer ReadingWe are hosting a Summer Reading Challenge. Students will bring home the information brochure this week. Read all summer from different genres and earn a HT prize!
Summer Programs |
FACTS Tuition PaymentTuition payments will be withdrawn this month. Please log in to your FACTS account to check for accuracy and timeline. We cannot make changes to the payment schedule without 3-5 business day notice prior to payment day. If you have questions, please email Ashley Sheridan, [email protected].
CYO Cross CountryRegistrations are currently open with CYO at It is open to all 3rd to 8th graders (including parishioners and others not in the school). Practices will be Mondays and Thursdays at 6:00 pm. The first practice is August 16 at 6:00 pm meeting at the Holy Trinity track.
Meets will be Sept. 11 (Valley Catholic), Sept. 18 (Sherwood), Sept. 25 (La Salle) and Oct. 2 (Camp Howard). We are also looking for assistant coaches. Please contact Charmin Shiely (Head Coach) at [email protected] if you are interested. Uniform InfoThe HT uniform policy is linked here. All uniform components can be purchased at Dennis Uniform, Lands End uniform, and Tommy Hilfiger uniform. Non logo’d pieces can be purchased at any store as long as the items meets uniform requirements. Logo'd and plaid items come specifically from these three vendors.
Free Uniform ClosetOur uniform closet is mid-major makeover! Several parents have started their SharePoint hours by organizing the closet and washing all the donated items. Thank you! Please stop by in the next couple of weeks to check out all the clothes available for FREE.
Check Us Out: |
School Telephone503.644.5748