Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2020-2021 CalendarFEBRUARY 2021
16: No School, Professional Development Day 17: Ash Wednesday, Mass at 2:15pm hosted by 7th grade 22: STAR Testing #3 begins (2/22-3/12) 23: Middle School grades published, Decade Dress Up Day 24: Mass at 2:15pm hosted by 8th grade 25: 3-5 grades published MARCH 2021 05: Food Free Dress, End of Trimester #2 10: Report Cards published 22-26: Spring Break Hot Lunch Feedback RequestAs we plan for 2021-2022, we are looking for parent feedback on Hot Lunch programming. What's important to you? Are you ready to order hot lunch post-pandemic? Please take our short survey here.
Reregistration FeesReregistration fees will be entered into FACTS by March 3rd.
Asynchronous FridaysAsynchronous Fridays extend 4 weeks past your child's grade returning full time. On asynchronous Fridays, work is posted and available to be done in a flexible format. Please double check due dates and your email for any live classes or office hours.
Mass at Holy Trinity
DCS Annual Report2019-2020 Department of Catholic Schools Annual Report is now available. You can read it here.
Ash Wednesday, 2/17Please join us for our school's Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday at 2:15pm. With more students back on campus and social distancing in the church, we cannot host many parents and visitors. This Mass is closed to the public for in-person attendance. Ashes will be sprinkled on top of the head instead of touching another's face.
Teachers are lifelong learnersTuesday, February 16th was a professional development day for HT Teachers and Staff. The Department of Catholic schools put on a full day of learning. Here's what we attended:
Internet SafetySenior Deputy District Attorney Andy Pulver leads the Child Abuse Team for the Washington County District Attorney’s Office. Join him for a virtual discussion that details the latest threats kids face and how parents can guard against them. This is so important as digital learning and technology supported learning has our kids online more and more!
School Covid Resources
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School Telephone503.644.5748