Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2020-2021 CalendarMARCH 2021
30: Middle School grades published 31: 6th grade hosting Mass APRIL 2021 01: 3rd-5th grades published 02: Good Friday Stations of the Cross at 9am, hosted by 2nd Grade 04: Happy Easter 05: Easter Monday, No School 06-09: Called to Protect Week 07: Mass hosted by 3rd Grade 09: Food Free Dress 13: College Dress Up Day Middle School grades published 15: 3rd-5th grades published 16: Staff Professional Development, No School 22: Earth Day, Go Green Free Dress 27: Middle School grades published 29: 3rd-5th grades published Stations of the CrossContinuing a long tradition, Second Grade is hosting our Stations of the Cross this Friday at 9am. Second grade parents are invited to attend in person, in the chapel. All others can join via Live Stream:
School Covid Resources
School MassPlease join us for our school Mass, hosted by 6th grade, on Wednesday at 2:15pm. With more students back on campus and social distancing in the church, we cannot host many parents and visitors. Please attend only if you are a parent, family or special friend of the hosting class.
Called to Protect WeekCalled to Protect is an Archdiocesan established, mandated, and audited program designed to keep your children and our school community safe. K-8 students, all employees and all volunteers take an audience specific version of this training each year.
Next week, K-8 students will spend the week learning about:
ODE and CDC UpdateOn March 22nd, ODE updated their guidelines to follow recent CDC information that school social distancing among students can be 3 feet instead of 6 feet. The guidance is specific to age level and county case rate. For more information, please see ODE's press release here.
HT Parish Lent ResourcesTo deepen your Lenten experience, don't forget to visit for Lenten Resources.
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School Telephone503.644.5748