Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarJANUARY 2022
25: Middle School grades published 26: 1st grade hosting Mass 27: 3-5 grades published 30: Catholic Schools Week begins 31: PK-2 Progress Reports published FEBRUARY 2022 01: Applications for new students due 01-02: Giving Tuesday! Donate here. 02: Kindergarten hosting Mass 03: FULL SCHOOL DAY, no 1/2 day dismissal 04: No School, DCS Faith Formation 07-11: ACRE Testing for 5th and 8th grades 08: Middle School grades published 09: Choir hosting Mass 10: 3-5 grades published 11: Free Dress for 2 cans of food 14: Re-enrollment packet due for returning students FACTS Tuition Assistance application due for 22-23 Valentine's Day Parties, 2-3pm 16: 8th grade hosting Mass 21: No School, President's Day 22: No School, DCS Professional Development 23: 5th grade hosting Mass 24: Middle School and 3-5 grades published Re-enrollment for 22-23All current Holy Trinity families should have received a re-enrollment email from Ms. Spieler via FACTS. This year our re-enrollment process is comprehensive and completed through FACTS student information system and FACTS tuition management. Parents need to update all student information and select a payment plan for the 22-23 school year. If you have questions, please call the school office. If you have any concerns, our principal Ashley Sheridan is eager to work with you. Please complete re-enrollment by February 14, 2022.
CYO: Track & FieldCYO Track & Field registration is open!
Our application for new students for the 2022-2023 school year is open! Please apply here for new students.
PTO NewsVolunteer Roles Open:
Catholic Schools Week!Catholic Schools Week begins this Sunday! All year, and especially during this week, we celebrate what it means to be a Catholic school and look towards the future of our school and mission. This year we have the incredible opportunity to raise $80,000 with every dollar matched in a matching gift campaign! $160,000! For more information, please visit our Give page or call the school office at 503-644-5748. To donate, visit
Girl Scout Cookies!Do a happy dance, Girl Scout Cookie™ fans!! It’s officially cookie time! This year get your cookies from Holy Trinity Brownie Troop #10481!
2022-2023 Application Open!Weekly Covid ScreeningWeekly tests are due to the office on Thursday mornings by 9am. Please call the office if you have any questions.
Covid Updates
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School Telephone503.644.5748