Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarSEPTEMBER 2021
27-30: Bully Prevention Week 29: School Mass hosted by 7th Grade OCTOBER 2021 01: Early Dismissal at 12:15 8:15 Coffee and Donuts with the Principal 05: MS grades published 06: School Mass hosted by 4th Grade 07: 3-5 grades published 08: NO SCHOOL, In-Service for teachers 13: School Mass hosted by 6th Grade 15: Free Dress for two cans 18: Auditions for Annie's Hard Knock Life 3:30-5:30pm 19: MS grades published School Picture Day 20: School Mass hosted by 3rd Grade 21: 3-5 grades published 25: PK-2 Progress Reports published 27: School Mass hosted by 2nd Grade 28: Dismissal at 12:15pm, Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00pm-8:00pm 29: NO SCHOOL Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00am-3:00pm Link our school calendar to your device!
Fall Events for HT FamiliesTrunk or Treat is back this year! We had such a great time celebrating outdoors last year, and we can't wait to do it again. The fun is simple- a car/truck, candy, maybe a costume and our cute students.
Our Christmas Concert will be magical! Ken Canedo will host us for a night of joyful music and all our talented PK-5, Choir and Band students.
Hot Lunch begins 9/29!Holy Trinity has partnered with DISHES2U to provide a secure, fast, and easy to-use online ordering platform that allows you to view our menus, order, prepay and manage student orders from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. If you have questions, please contact Dishes2u directly at [email protected].
To get started:
Changes to notice:
Covid ProtocolsCold and flu season is approaching, along with the normal back to school sniffles and sore throats. What is HT doing in response?
Family Portal InformationFACTS Family Portal holds all the information you need as a HT parent. Navigate through the site using the left side bar options.
Under the School tab, you'll find:
Friendzy at HTOne piece of curriculum that HT uses to ensure our students are prepared to have active, healthy and faithful relationships is Friendzy. The Friendzy Program is a comprehensive biblically based SEL program that teaches five-core competencies of social-emotional learning to students in K-8th grade. These competencies include self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, social awareness and relationship skills. Teaching friendship skills supports students in managing their emotions, improving ability to set and achieve positive goals, feeling and showing empathy for others, maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions.
Covid UpdatesTitan Run 2022HT has one fundraiser each year- the Titan Run. This is a fun, whole community event that raises over $50,000 for our school. Normally, the Titan Run would happen in October. Our leadership team decided this Fall's focus needs to be on in-person, full time learning and pandemic recovery. We plan to host the Titan Run this Spring. Volunteer opportunities will be available.
Pack 598 NewsIf your son or daughter in kindergarten through 5th grade is interested in joining Scouts, it’s not too late! If they are interested in making new friends and having fun adventures please email us at: [email protected].
This weekend is the family camp out! Families will be going to the beautiful beach site, Camp Clark, on Saturday, October 2nd and returning the following day. Those scouts who are NOT in cross country will depart from Holy Trinity at 10 AM. Please RSVP in scout book or contact your den leader to let us know how many of your family members will be attending. Those scouts who are in cross country will make their way there after the meet. Please feel free to text me anytime at: 503-547-3872, if yo have any questions. Dr. Jacquelyn Cubmaster, Pack 598 |
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School Telephone503.644.5748