Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarDECEMBER 2021
06-07: Santa's Workshop! 07: Picture Retake Day 08: Report Cards published for Trimester 1 Mass hosted by the 7th grade 14: Christmas Concert, 1st show at 3:30pm, 2nd show at 4:45pm 15: Mass hosted by 4th grade 16: Dinner Night Out (DNO) at Cedar Hills Panera Bread 20-31: Christmas Break JANUARY 2021 03: School Resumes 07: Free Dress for Food (two cans) Roman Hall of Fame StandoutsOur 7th Grade Social Studies class has recently completed their unit on the Roman Empire and its capstone project - the Roman Cultural Hall of Fame. To begin, the class examined many Halls of Fame looking for commonalities between admission requirements in order to arrive upon some qualifications for membership in a prospective Roman Cultural Hall of Fame. Collectively, we determined that a nominee must meet the following criteria:
Here are the class-determined standouts from each category: Dinner Night Out: Dec 16Help raise money for HT by dining out! The Cedar Mill Panera Bread is hosting HT friends and families on Thursday, December 16, 2021.
PTO NewsVolunteer Roles Open:
Report CardsTrimester 1 ended on Friday! Today starts Trimester 2. Report Cards will be published on Wednesday morning. Report Cards are digital. We do not mail home paper copies. Please look for an email from FACTS. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
Lunch Volunteers NeededWe need ONE Lunch Room volunteer everyday to help check in and pass out hot lunch purchases. Food is delivered at 10:30am and the last lunch is served at 12pm. Please consider helping out! Sign up here.
Cafeteria SeatingDue to the cold weather, we have moved most of our lunch time eating indoors to the cafeteria. We have several Covid mitigating strategies in place for lunch times: students and seats spaced apart, seating is by assignment and tracked for contact tracing, actual eating time/masks off is less than 18 minutes, tables are cleaned after each session with antibacterial wipes and state of the art ventilation running at all times. We have four tables outside if students do not feel comfortable eating in the cafeteria. (Picture attached)
Santa's WorkshopSanta's Workshop is here! Shopping is open during school and after school Monday and Tuesday. For more information, check out these links:
ODE/OHA Covid UpdatesOn November 23rd, ODE and OHA released a join statement regarding two substantial updates to school Covid protocols.
Weekly Covid ScreeningThis Thursday will be our testing day for students and families that opted in to the weekly Covid Screening through OHSU. If you need a test, please contact the school office. Students should complete the saliva test BEFORE they eat or drink on Thursday morning. Tests need to be dropped off by 9am for pick up.
2022-2023 Application Open!Our application for new students for the 2022-2023 school year is open! Please apply here for new students.
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School Telephone503.644.5748