Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
District Code: HT-OR
Orders due Thursday evenings
2022-2023 CalendarMAY 2023
30: 3rd-8th grades published CASE Training, 3:30-5pm, Fireside Room 31: Mass at 2:05pm hosted by 2nd grade Promoting Safety in a Digital World presentation by Officer Haugen, 6-7pm, cafeteria JUNE 2023 02: Free Dress for two cereals or mac and cheese 03: Parent Wine Event (RSVP required to attend) 06: Spring Concert at 5pm 3rd-8th grades published 07: Mass at 2:05pm hosted by 8th grade End of Year PTO Meeting, 5-7pm 08: Field Day hosted by 8th Grade 09: 8th Grade's Last Day! Graduation at 6pm Free dress for two canned tuna or canned veggies 14: Mass at 2:05pm hosted by HT Staff 16: Last day of school, dismissal at 12:15pm, No EC 22: Final Report Cards published Summer CampsSt. Mary's Academy Summer Camps
CYO Camp Howard Summer Camp Valley Catholic High School Camps and Clinics Valley Catholic Music Camp Valley Catholic Cross Country Camp PTO NewsCYO Uniform ExchangeDo you have a Holy Trinity sports uniform that you no longer need? We've set up a way for parents to sell or exchange jerseys online. For more information and to see what is available, please check the Google Sheet. If you have questions, please contact Erika Thompson, parent of a 3rd and a 7th grade, at [email protected].
2023-2024 InformationSpring ConcertThe Spring Concert is Tuesday, June 6 from 5-6pm. Students in Prekindergarten through 5th grade, Middle School Choir students and Middle School musicians are required to attend.
Volunteer Sign Ups
Lost & FoundAll unclaimed items will be donated by June 20, 2023. Thank you to all of our volunteers this year that kept the Lost & Found organized and shared pictures.
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School Telephone503.644.5748