Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2020-2021 CalendarFEBRUARY 2021
01: 5th and 8th grades return full time! 03: Mass at 2:15pm hosted by 2nd grade 04: Half day, dismissal 12-12:15pm Dinner Night Out, Red Robin! 05: No School, Faith Formation Professional Development Day (this is not an asynchronous Friday, no school work today!) 09: Middle School grades published 10: Mass at 2:15pm hosted by 1st grade 11: 3-5 grades published 11: Valentine's Day classroom parties Valentine's Day Free Dress (pink, red, white) 15: No School, Presidents' Day 16: No School, Professional Development Day 17: Ash Wednesday, Mass at 2:15pm hosted by Kindergarten 22: STAR Testing #3 begins (2/22-3/12) 23: Middle School grades published, Decade Dress Up Day 24: Mass at 2:15pm hosted by 8th grade 25: 3-5 grades published Reregistration for Current StudentsPlease visit School Speak to reregister for 2021-2022.
Mass at Holy Trinity
Immunization Exclusion DateStudents need to be up to date on their immunizations. Exclusion day is February 17, 2021. If your student is not current on all immunizations, if you haven't updated your shot record or if your exclusion letter has not been sent to the school, your student cannot attend school as of February 17. Ms. Spieler will email any families that have immunizations missing. Please contact Tabitha in the office you have any questions, [email protected].
Catholic Schools WeekLet's celebrate how great it is to be a Catholic school founded in faith, excellence and service. This year our celebrating will be a bit subdued and our gratitude magnified. 8th graders always pick our dress up days and here are their choices:
Exciting News! Governor Brown declared February 4th Oregon Private Schools Appreciation Day! Her proclamation is attached.
School Mass LinksPlease join us for school Mass on Wednesday.
Dinner Night Out: FebruaryOrder To-Go and raise some dough for HT on Thursday, February 4th from 5-9pm. 20% of sales is given back to HTCS.
Learning Plan for JanuaryAll grades now have a full time, in person option available! Approximately 80% of our students have returned to campus. 20% remain in comprehensive distance learning. We are grateful for all of your patience and support!
Asynchronous FridaysAsynchronous Fridays extend 4 weeks past your child's grade returning full time. On asynchronous Fridays, work is posted and available to be done in a flexible format. Please double check due dates and your email for any live classes or office hours.
School Covid Resources
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School Telephone503.644.5748