Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2021-2022 CalendarMARCH 2022
14: Drama Club Monty Python auditions 14-18: Human Sexuality Week (info emailed to 5-8th) 16: Report Cards for Trimester 2 sent via email Mass hosted by 6th grade 21-25: Spring Break 29: Middle School grades published 30: Mass hosted by Prekindergarten 31: 3-5 grades published APRIL 2022 01: Father and Daughter Dance, 6:30-8:30pm 04: Free Dress for two items of food Coffee and Donuts with Mrs. Sheridan 15: Good Friday, dismissal at 3pm 9am Stations of the Cross 18: No School, Easter Monday 22: Dismissal at 12:15pm, Professional Development for staff *Note on April 15: We normally end our school day at 2pm on Good Friday, as the parish hosts Stations of the Cross beginning at 3pm. This year, the parish has moved their Stations start time to earlier. Therefore, school will continue until 3pm.
Congrats CYO BasketballOur 8th grade boys' basketball team finished their season this weekend with a 2nd place win! Congratulations 8th grade and coaches!
CYO: Track & FieldCYO Track & Field registration is open!
PTO NewsVolunteer Roles Open:
Update on MasksAs of this morning, masks are optional. We have students and staff in both categories. Please discuss with your child if you expect them to wear a mask all day. Thank you for supporting everyones' choices.
Lenten Student ChoirThis Lent, our Middle School Choir has enlivened our parish 11:15 Mass on Sundays with their spirit and enthusiasm. The parishioners are inspired, and Fr. Dave is very pleased. Many parents have asked Mr. Canedo if their students can join the choir even if they are not currently enrolled in Choir elective. The quick answer is Yes! ALL middle schoolers are welcome to share their gifts and talents at Sunday Mass. Simply show up for rehearsal in the choir area at 10:30, right after the conclusion of the 9:30 Mass. The students already know most of the songs because we are singing them at School Mass. Questions? Please contact Mr. Canedo: [email protected]
Go Green ClubThe Go Green Club is looking for student members! Talk to Ms. Woodward if you are interested in being a member or helping with the group.
Pack 598 NewsThis Thursday, March 17 is our Pack meeting. We will be having our pinewood derby races at 6:30 PM. Please come early if you want to have your car weighed and still have time to modify it.
Jacquelyn Delplanche, Cubmaster Thank you to all who participated in our Scouting for Food campaign this year. Pack 598 collected 579 pounds of food for the Holy Trinity Food Pantry which will be distributed to members of our local community!
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School Telephone503.644.5748