Monday Minute
Holy Trinity's Weekly School Newsletter
2020-2021 CalendarAPRIL 2021
27: Middle School grades published 28: Mass at 2:15pm, hosted by 5th Grade 29: 3rd-5th grades published MAY 2021 01: Graduation Pictures for 8th Graders 03: STAR Test #3 Window (5/3-5/22) Teacher Appreciation Week! Check your email for info from PTO. 07: Food Free Dress 10-14: Scholastic Book Fair 11: Twinning is Winning Free Dress Day 31: Memorial Day Scholastic Book FairThe Scholastic Book Fair will be on campus next week, May 10-14. Parents can shop after school. Schedule coming soon!
School MassPlease join us for our school Mass, hosted by 5th Grade, on Wednesday at 2:15pm. With more students back on campus and social distancing in the church, we cannot host many parents and visitors. Please attend only if you are a parent, family or special friend of the hosting class.
8th Grade Penny Drive!Spring and Summer ProgramsJesuit's Spring Session (Math focus)
St. Mary's Academy Summer Program Next Level Flag Football & Skills Camp Beaverton Beavers Lacrosse (7th/8th girls) Jesuit Girls' Basketball Summer Camp Central Catholic High School Summer Classes School Covid Resources
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School Telephone503.644.5748